Posts in Calm
Present in Changing Times

A calming, grounding 60 minute therapeutic hatha practice that intends to connect you to the undercurrent of peace that exists within us no matter what is happening around us. Expect to explore mindfulness and presence throughout mellow movement and breath and relax deeply with a guided meditation.

Clear and Content

A 60 minute therapeutic hatha sequence beginning with a breath visualization intended to clear the mind, followed by a concept to help with presence, acceptance and contentment and a flow that can contribute to greater freedom in the low back and hips.

Take Time to Breathe

Welcome to a 75 minute class from a Toronto government-sanctioned quarantine hotel! This moderate hatha sequence is designed around mindful movement in time with full inhales and complete exhales. Slow strength, stretch and breath for calming refreshment.

Press Pause

Our time on the mat can be a moment to press pause on our day and connect with how we are feeling physically, mentally and emotionally. Pausing with what is can help us make space for skillful thought and action moving forward. Expect to "pause" throughout this moderate physical practice for a chance to feel and be rather than do and achieve.

Sitting with What Is

A 15 minute seated practice that includes a series of skills to help us be present with the moment that is, even if we are resistant to a situation and our feelings about it. May we remember that the only certainty about what is, is that it will change.

15 minutes, Calm, soul, heartLisa Dumas
Yoga Nidra for Spring

Yoga Nidra, which means "yogic sleep" is a meditation that invites the practitioner to lay down and listen as she is guided through relaxation, a body scan and imagery with the intention to deeply relax the body, rest the busy mind and drop into a profoundly healing state. Please enjoy this version customized for the season of spring any time you need a refresh.

Low Back Love

A 15 minute series of postures that can help ease low back pain and strengthen the muscles that can support your posture and back health. Consult your doctor if you suspect a herniated lumbar disc and to make sure these movements are right for you.

Ground to Grow

A short, seated moving meditation intended to keep you embodied while connecting with higher perspectives and intentions. An opportunity to stay grounded while harnessing the vitality and motivation to follow through on planting and growing our dreams. Expect to move your spine in its various ranges of motion, practice enlivening breath and imagery.

Intention and Attention

Every moment of this 50 minute offering is intended to invite you back to the breath, the body and present-centered thinking. A focus on the sense of sound and an invitation to create your own inner sound using your intention, meets a full body refreshing hatha practice.

Breathing Your Way to Rest

An exploration of a breath technique designed to calm the mind and relax the body throughout this moderate, therapeutic hatha class. The physical sequence attends to sore and "tight" upper and lower backs. 60 mins of breath awareness with movement can equal the ability to truly rest and relax productively.