Posts in Core
Deluxe Practice to Cultivate a Tranquil Mind

This 75 minute experience begins with a 10 minute meditation known to be helpful for the “pitta” dosha in the mind, an Ayurvedic concept that can describe the state of mind/body when we are pushing ourselves (and maybe others) to get things done, to achieve and do more, perhaps to the detriment of our energy and relationships to others and ourselves. The sequence is meant to be engaging and strengthening, ultimately supporting more contentment with the way things are, as they are.

Unwinding the Tightly Wound

A strong practice featuring an engaging and relaxing breath technique throughout while tending to core awakening, twists and a challenge or two to help you work out the excess tension and stress and finally relax. Note, the closing practice of “focusing on what’s going right” cuts off a little early, so please take a few moments in contemplation of what’s going well in your life after the recording stops.

30 Minutes, Balance, Calm, mind, CoreLisa Dumas