When you're feeling unwell, a lot of movement may not be appropriate, but something gentle may support your mind, body and spirit. In this twenty minute practice, we stay close to the ground while compassionately offering the body easeful mobility.
An engaging, dynamic yet steadying sequence to focus the mind, flowing into quiet yin postures thought to be "cooling" and reflective in nature. An ideal full practice for warmer days.
A deluxe practice including a breath technique and movement meant to engage and soothe a busy and distracted mind.
Explore the transition from sleep to enlivened in this 75 minute deluxe mindful movement experience. Full body mobilization, strengthening and stretching with full body breath and energy!
A short practice intended to deepen the breath through appropriate movement, often allowing difficult emotions to move and change so we can more easily acknowledge them, and maybe even learn from them.
Deeply exploring the art of attention in the transitions between one pose and another. Wait until you experience the difference in your practice when your attention is this close to the movements between the movements and the spaces inside every breath!
Explore practices designed to assist with an anxious mind, repetitive worry or a low mood and how they can invite clarity, perspective and relaxation. Includes movement, visualization, journaling prompts and deep rest.
A practice that energizes through a dynamic standing warm up, strengthening and stretching in an engaging sequence then invites total relaxation in restorative shapes.
A yang/yin experience that explores the concept of "STOP"- Stop. Take a breath. Observe. Proceed.
A 20 minute practice to charge lagging energy to use first thing in the morning or anytime you feel the need to shake off the cobwebs and be renewed.
Because movement is so helpful in helping us to clear the mind, this practice with weights in intended to help us process and move life's little annoyances.
Breath and movement to rejuvenate (core, arms, legs) followed by deep stretches for the hips and 2 restorative postures to relax and nourish.
This 75 minute full body practice begins with a mental alternate nostril breath technique for calm and focus and continues to invite alternate movements for alternate sides of the body with the intention of fully engaging the mind and drawing your attention to what is happening right here, right now.
Lots of yang and a bit of yin in this invigorating, twisting and strengthening sequence that invites you to use your breath and your mind with mindful intention.
A special 90 minute experience that offers several ideas for inserting supportive mini practices into your day and options for inspiring you when you have more time for movement, meditation and productive rest.
An invitation to connect to a memory, person or image that feels "opening" for the heart and the warm feelings related to that symbolic place within. Then, flow through an invigorating sequence to feel more expansive outside and in.
A brief practice to shake out stress and regulate the breath to embrace a grounded, more vital state of body and mind
A few invitations to challenge ourselves in a warming practice that includes therapeutic skills for moving through turbulence, emotional upheaval and burnout. Expect an invigorating experience to help you release what may feel heavy.
A 20 minute class focused on stronger movements to quickly release stagnation and a sense of being "stuck".
For cool, damp days and the possible accompanying stagnation, this class intentionally creates heat through strong physical movement and through bringing our attention and energy back to us, away from thoughts, activities and distractions that drain us. Closing restorative postures balance this more challenging practice.