Posts in Morning Ritual
Ground to Grow

A short, seated moving meditation intended to keep you embodied while connecting with higher perspectives and intentions. An opportunity to stay grounded while harnessing the vitality and motivation to follow through on planting and growing our dreams. Expect to move your spine in its various ranges of motion, practice enlivening breath and imagery.

Morning Ritual: Cultivate Connection

Neuroscience tells us we can practice the ability to create internal feeling states anytime we want. This morning practice helps us create a sense of feeling connected to the world around us, and to other people, including cultivating empathy, which has been shown to contribute to our well-being overall.

Meditation Prep & 20 Minute Sit

A meditation suited for beginning a new day, week, month, or year! To support you in creating a new meditation habit in 2021, explore how techniques that prepare the body and mind to “sit” can create a more easeful experience. Includes intention setting on how you desire to feel, gentle movement and breathwork to enhance focus.

Morning Ritual: Calm and Confident

Start your day with this 20 minute practice that invites the mind to focus on the breath and an empowering mantra rather than the habitual thoughts we wake up with. Expect movement to ready the body and the core for a day of confidence followed by a mudra and short meditation. A reminder of the power within.

Morning Ritual: Go With the Flow and Glow

The second sheath in the yogic map of a human being is the “pranic body” or energetic body. This aspect of us is affected by everything that we take in or put out. When our energetic system is out of balance we might feel depleted, or we might feel overly activated. This practice consists of 15 minutes of guided breath work, visualization, fluid, gentle movement and mudra with the intention to get the energetic body harmonized and glowing while encouraging the mind to be present with life, one flowing breath at a time.

Morning Ritual: Ground and Connect to a Sense of Safety

The yogic map of a human being consists of five sheaths (koshas) that we can work with to balance our system and connect with our true nature more often. The first sheath or layer is the physical body. For many of us, connecting with our physical body is a path to feeling more at ease because we become present, the only place life really exists. Use this morning ritual when you want to ground and calm a nervous mind and body and focus scattered attention.