For my birthday I created a sequence intended to celebrate the strength and mobility we have available now. This 75 minute feel-good hatha flow features fluid and challenging movements intended to free the upper back while invigorating and inspiring appreciation for health and wellbeing. Closes with a guided body scan to enhance restoration post-practice.
A 60 minute practice that explores a foundational aspect of good posture, back health and the optimal function of many systems of the body- lengthening the spine. Learning to sit and stand tall can help to uplift us in this energizing yet grounding sequence.
A 15 minute series of postures that can help ease low back pain and strengthen the muscles that can support your posture and back health. Consult your doctor if you suspect a herniated lumbar disc and to make sure these movements are right for you.
A 60 minute practice intended to restore and enliven your energy. Features a refreshing breath technique followed by a creative flow of movements that warm, strengthen and stretch the muscles of the shoulders and upper back to decrease the effects of working at a computer and feel more freedom in your body and mind.
A 60 min hatha class that explores warming, strengthening and stretching the shoulders and hips to encourage more "freedom" of the chest, low back and shoulder area. When we feel free in our bodies, we might have more space in our minds. We enhance the physical intention with an energizing breath technique and imagery to clear the path towards freedom in the body, mind and heart.
An opportunity to let go of physical and mental tension. Expect to mindfully move through the body, noticing and releasing tightness and holding. Explore gentle joint warming leading toward a moderate hatha practice focusing on a release of shoulders and hips followed by a refreshing rest.
An exploration of a breath technique designed to calm the mind and relax the body throughout this moderate, therapeutic hatha class. The physical sequence attends to sore and "tight" upper and lower backs. 60 mins of breath awareness with movement can equal the ability to truly rest and relax productively.
A 30 minute hatha class that invites you to investigate the quality of the tone of voice you use when you talk to yourself. A practice that is strengthening for the arms and upper back to create more freedom in the shoulders and maybe even a more spacious feeling at the heart.
A 60 minute practice intended to provide nurturing grounding. You’ll be guided to prepare your joints for strengthening and stretching, while moving in postures that stay close to the ground throughout. Explore a calming mudra and breath technique and focus your mind on slow exhales while your body and mind are encouraged to slow down too.
A 60 minute full practice with the intention of supporting posture, spinal alignment and upper back tension. There also virtually no pressure placed on the wrist joints, so it is a relief for an area that can get taxed while it is getting stronger. Expect to explore a mudra said to relax "tightness" in the upper back and a reflection on where in your life to "have your own back"
While the practice of gratitude may have become watered down, the power of saying thank you is just as strong as ever. This experience is intended to explore gratitude as a therapeutic technique for lower mood states through mudra, mindset, movement and memory. I hope you enjoy this heart opening, expansive sequence as much as I did creating it for you! Suggested prop- bolster or pillows
A practice to tend to upper backs and necks sore from increased screen time. Movement to mobilize the upper back, strengthen weak muscles and stretch tight ones. Closes with a breath technique and visualization to support healing and a softer way of relating with muscle tension of the body. Try this practice every other day for improvement over time but keep mobilizing the upper back daily. *Note, continued pain related to the spine may require further investigation from a Dr. or PT
A practice for occasional neck and shoulder stiffness (if neck pain is acute, sharp, electric please see a health professional) When we work with freeing the neck and shoulders we are also tending to the 5th chakra-this practice can also be useful for those wanting to address challenges with communication, listening or clearly expressing truth. Practice closes with a mudra to help release neck tension and balance energy.
This offering includes a visualization technique to invite the mind to rest throughout. The physical sequence moves through warming, then strengthening and stretching to ease tension from areas that can tend to feel “tight”.
This 75 minute experience begins with a 10 minute meditation known to be helpful for the “pitta” dosha in the mind, an Ayurvedic concept that can describe the state of mind/body when we are pushing ourselves (and maybe others) to get things done, to achieve and do more, perhaps to the detriment of our energy and relationships to others and ourselves. The sequence is meant to be engaging and strengthening, ultimately supporting more contentment with the way things are, as they are.