Posts in body
Rebuild & Restore Through Effort & Ease

One reason we may feel depleted is having to continue to take action to fulfill our responsibilities even when we may need rest. This necessary tendency can desensitize us to our energy levels and lead to burn out. The intention of this hatha flow is to re-sensitize yourself to how much energy you are expending by committing to work at 70-75 percent of your ability during the dynamic portion of this practice. The last third of this class is a series of restorative poses to further help us rebuild the energy we scatter through our lives every day.

Craft a Supportive Morning Routine (May Workshop)

In May's workshop, I offered you a bounty of ideas for helping you to start your day vibrant and tranquil.

We explored an exercise where we examine what we already do each morning, and where we could add in small new habits that can add up to big changes over time.

Workshop notes:

-New habit ideas from bed: Breathe into right side nostril/right side body to encourage a new day of energized activity, eye exercises, joint freeing. Cultivate a thought as your feet hit the floor, like: "May something wonderful happen today".

-Let the light in, a ritual while opening blinds, windows, standing joint freeing and shake off the night's sleep.

-5 essential yoga postures: Plank, Cobra (or Locust), Leg Lifts, Bridge Pose, Bow Pose (with modifications and options. Body Brushing

-Turning aspirations into reality through habit change (written exercise)

-Prana Nidra: a supine guided meditation intended to encourage presence, (the wellspring of vitality) and balance our energy.

Strong Arms Without Strong Arming

Strengthen your wrists, arms and upper body in a sustainable way by learning to mobilize joints and strengthen muscles without load, preparing the arms for appropriate challenge. In this 75 min invigorating therapeutic class, you'll warm up before weight-bearing movement and explore how focus on arms and chest can enhance breath and the connection with qualities of the heart.

Low Body Love

While this 60 minute hatha class is conditioning for the whole body, there is enhanced focus placed on therapeutics for the feet and knees. To keep the feet and knees healthy and happy, we need to keep them mobile and free while strengthening and stretching the big muscle groups around them like the glutes, quads and hamstrings. Throughout the experience, there is also an invitation to offer focused appreciation for these hard working parts of our anatomy! Low body love!

Strengthening a Kind Inner Voice (and the upper back)

This practice invites you to question habitual stories you tell yourself with specific questions designed to soften self-loathing tendencies. It features a breath technique that symbolizes linking the heart to the mind and movements that strengthen the upper back, countering rounded shoulders, allowing us to feel more "open" at the chest and maybe even open at the heart.

Strengthening Body and Mind

Many come to yoga to create stronger bodies, which is one of the many benefits of the physical practice. However, we soon discover that we also strengthen our ability to question our habitual thoughts, hold broader perspectives and cultivate more compassion for ourselves and others. This 60 minute practice strengthens weak areas of the body where we often feel discomfort (neck, upper back, core, glutes) while offering a breath visualization and inspiration to strengthen our kinder inner voice.

1st Mini Retreat of 2021- Spring Practices

Your first of two yearly mini-retreats in Vibrancy & Tranquility Daily explores the spring themes of renewing and clearing our outer and inner spaces. Sample cleansing breath, rejuvenating movement, meditation and reflection about how spring is emerging in you. Includes a deluxe guided restorative reclined meditation because enhancing our energy also requires productive rest.

Low Back Love

A 15 minute series of postures that can help ease low back pain and strengthen the muscles that can support your posture and back health. Consult your doctor if you suspect a herniated lumbar disc and to make sure these movements are right for you.

Turn Up the Heat

Features a sequence that focuses on functional core strengthening. Expect a stronger practice that invites you to utilize a "warming" Ujjayi style breath (gently firming the back of the throat so your breath is more audible and long) throughout. Stoke your inner flame so it is sustainable, and stay mindful through this empowering slow flow.

Hit the Refresh Button

A 60 minute practice intended to restore and enliven your energy. Features a refreshing breath technique followed by a creative flow of movements that warm, strengthen and stretch the muscles of the shoulders and upper back to decrease the effects of working at a computer and feel more freedom in your body and mind.