A 30 minute flow encouraging joint mobility and increased freedom and strength in shoulders, core and hips. Warming up the body and the heart!
Rejuvenate and restore through joint rotation, twisted postures and core work, attention to the releasing , grounding exhale and finally deeply rest in 4 restorative shapes.
Deep releasing breaths followed by a sequence that warms up with joint rotations and invites core strengthening twists and rotated standing postures to release tension, support digestion and calm the mind.
Some inspirations for using your practices therapeutically during the colder months. Explore vigorous movement, gratitude, a strengthening flow, tapping for self-compassion and guided rest. Enjoy!
A yang yin practice that invites a continuously moving flow to allow the mind to rest and ride on the movement while opening to the wellspring of inspiration and creativity that exists underneath constant distraction.
A core-centered engaging practice inviting a focus on alternate sides of the body preparing for alternate nostril breathing to ease a busy, distracted or anxious mind.
Get moving, strengthening and enjoy a couple of restorative poses, all providing sustainable energy, presence and a deeper inner connection during the day to come!
A 35 minute practice featuring a selection of postures that strengthen muscles of the core and hips to support low back health. As you find steadiness in this strength you are invited to feel centered into what matters most to you.
Inspired by some of some of the origins of Halloween, this practice uses imagery of fire for meditation and a core-centered physical practice. You'll also be invited to offer your practice to an ancestor or a loved one who has passed on. Lots of inspiration in this experience!
A complete, full body practice including a core-centred warm up and a hamstring stretch cool-down that invites you to connect deeply with the ground to stabilize strong standing postures while grounding into intention.
Inspired by the autumnal equinox and its equal balance of night and day, this practice explores the concept of balancing our inner sun and moon energy through hatha yoga (ha-sun, tha-moon). Expect postures that merge both sides of the body and engaging balancing poses.
A full body warm up and flow from a chair when this style of practice is more therapeutic than being on the floor.
A 30 minute dynamic flow to expand the front of the body to move into our more expansive self.
A deluxe practice that fully prepares the body for strengthening of the feet, legs, hips, core, arms and upper back before inviting stillness in a handful of restorative postures. Intended as a rejuvenating experience for body and mind.
A full body practice that focuses on posture and the alignment of the spine throughout. A breath technique brings further awareness to the body's central column; perfect for enhancing posture and spinal health.
The benefits of adding intelligent weight training to our movement routines are many, from increasing metabolism, strengthening bones and upping our motivation. This sequence blends one round of postures with weights for a supercharged workout when you want it.
An emphasis on cooling breath, fluid, full body movement and deeper stretches on the ground for hips and hamstrings round out this summertime practice.
A contemplative flow inviting you to receive a thought like this one at the end of an exhale, as you connect with the ground beneath you as a way of experiencing the potential of the present moment throughout your movement and breath practice.
A deluxe practice including a breath technique and movement meant to engage and soothe a busy and distracted mind.
Explore the transition from sleep to enlivened in this 75 minute deluxe mindful movement experience. Full body mobilization, strengthening and stretching with full body breath and energy!