A yang yin practice that invites a continuously moving flow to allow the mind to rest and ride on the movement while opening to the wellspring of inspiration and creativity that exists underneath constant distraction.
A 20 minute guided meditation meant to be received lying down. Experience progressive relaxation, a body scan and imagery to deeply rest and restore.
Inspire yourself walking into a new day, week or month with an invitation to create authentic intentions and hold them powerfully with a practice that is strengthening for our legs and our ability to stand strong and walk with purpose.
A core-centered engaging practice inviting a focus on alternate sides of the body preparing for alternate nostril breathing to ease a busy, distracted or anxious mind.
Movement and focused awareness hovers at the symbolic heart space as you are invited to consider what wants to be appreciated.
Get moving, strengthening and enjoy a couple of restorative poses, all providing sustainable energy, presence and a deeper inner connection during the day to come!
This class frees the hip flexors and front of the body to counter long bouts of sitting while preparing us for a focus-enhancing balancing posture; "Dancer" pose. A great one for cultivating present -centered awareness and strength!
A 35 minute practice featuring a selection of postures that strengthen muscles of the core and hips to support low back health. As you find steadiness in this strength you are invited to feel centered into what matters most to you.
Ayurveda teaches the quality of vata (nervous, turbulent energy) can be balanced by bringing it back to it's "home", the pelvic region. This class is inspired by that concept by focusing on mobilizing, strengthening and stretching the hips and engaging the mind with visualization throughout this full spectrum practice.
Effective meditation technique, spine breath
Center into physical body, breath and what really matters to you.
Brief Calming Breath Technique
Ten minute Enliven: A standing warm up for the joints and muscles to prepare the body and mind for the day to come.
Movement First! Prepare your body for the day with gentle movement and presence- a little goes a long way.
In November's workshop we explored the heightened connection with creativity and compassion that comes through relaxation and meditation. Enjoy gentle, stress relieving movement and the guided deep rest of yoga nidra.
A practice to try in the first moments of waking to have agency over how you'd like to feel in the hours to come.
Sun Salutations followed by a handful of standing postures make this a great morning practice when you want to feel stronger and calmer in just a few minutes.
Inspired by some of some of the origins of Halloween, this practice uses imagery of fire for meditation and a core-centered physical practice. You'll also be invited to offer your practice to an ancestor or a loved one who has passed on. Lots of inspiration in this experience!
Begin with an enlivening standing warmup to energize after a night's sleep, then explore full body strengthening and a few moments of restoration to close.
A gentle and restoring 30 minute seated and standing practice offering practical skills like mindfulness, movement and a breath technique intended to soothe your nervous system and bring you home to yourself.