This 75 minute full body practice begins with a mental alternate nostril breath technique for calm and focus and continues to invite alternate movements for alternate sides of the body with the intention of fully engaging the mind and drawing your attention to what is happening right here, right now.
Renewing gentle movement begins and ends this body scan to promote presence and tranquility.
Productive rest: total relaxation for the body and mind to encourage healing and increased energy and vitality.
A gentle, moving meditational experience that frees the neck and upper back and invites deep presence and calm.
A supine meditation that invites you to explore breath and visualization with the intention of balancing and deeply restoring. A perfect refreshing afternoon practice.
In our March workshop we explored an idea of "balance" that invites us to move, breathe and meditate with the intention to better hold and accept all aspects of who we are as we hold so many aspects of the human experience in the world now.
A 20 minute practice that includes some brief neck and spine movement before settling into a breath visualization and a mantra repetition.
This class invites you to release and renew through full body movement followed by 30 minutes of restorative shapes and relaxation. Perfect for a reset!
The ayurvedic concept of "agni" is related to the element of fire and its symbolism as the heat that supports our healthy digestion of food and life. This workshop offers breath skills, visualization techniques and specific core-centred movements and twists to enhance our ability to metabolize the food we eat and the life we lead.
Alternate nostril breath can be an effective intervention for anxiousness. In this 15 minute meditation, we sample a manual and a mental version of this skill.
Every aspect of this practice is related to balancing your nervous system including alternate nostril breath, joint mobilization, strong muscle engagement for the purpose of eventual relaxation in restorative postures. Suggested prop: bolster or pillows, Spotify playlist: Mantra from the lisaddumas account.
Experience how moving in rocking, rhythmic ways along with your breath can be a calming experience for your body and mind and how present-centered awareness is a balm for states of anxiety or over-worry.
Gentle neck stretches and calming tools lead you into a meditation that practices the skill of observing body, breath, mind and emotions to cultivate a gentle acceptance of "what is" rather than succumbing to habitual judgement, reactivity and over-identification with thoughts.
A sequence that gets your whole body moving, but not too far from the floor. For days when you want to practice, but you also kinda don't.
Mindful movement matched with a supine or seated body scan to melt tension of the body and mind. An ideal practice for anxious days.
When we run, walk, or cycle, we are using repetitive motions than can tighten up the hip flexors and other muscles at the front of the body. Gift yourself with this brief series of strengtheners and stretches for balance and sustainability after your workout.
Enjoy a supine meditation where you will be guided into deep relaxation for the body and mind and invited to explore imagery to help celebrate the return of the sun after the longest night of the year.
A 90 minute experience to acknowledge the arrival of the winter season and the longer days of light. Exploring the pause at the end of the exhale is a calming, balancing technique through an invigorating sequence and reflections to close the end of the year.
Expect a few minutes of preparatory movements for increased shoulder freedom before exploring a breath visualization and a mantra to cultivate inner contentment and tranquility.
A 30 minute dynamic movement practice encouraging present-centred awareness. Explore focus enhancing balancing in a rhythmic, mindful sequence.