Posts in Inspiring
The Ultimate Practice for Sleep

In June's Workshop I offer a selection of practices to prepare your body for rest. Explore them as part of this 90 minute ritual, or sample the various skills I offer as part of your nightly routine. Expect to receive reflections to help you release lingering thoughts from the day, movement and stretches to release tension, a specific breath technique, a meditation, a relaxing self-massage and a yoga nidra to help you drift off to restorative sleep.

March Workshop: Uplift

As nature renews and each day is lighter, our practices can be a reflection of nature. To inspire a lighter mood, explore playful movement, an energizing breath technique and a practice to connect with real self-acceptance for days that feel heavier. Closes with a extended, guided rest to restore energy levels.

Turn Up the Heat

Features a sequence that focuses on functional core strengthening. Expect a stronger practice that invites you to utilize a "warming" Ujjayi style breath (gently firming the back of the throat so your breath is more audible and long) throughout. Stoke your inner flame so it is sustainable, and stay mindful through this empowering slow flow.

Free and Clear

A 60 min hatha class that explores warming, strengthening and stretching the shoulders and hips to encourage more "freedom" of the chest, low back and shoulder area. When we feel free in our bodies, we might have more space in our minds. We enhance the physical intention with an energizing breath technique and imagery to clear the path towards freedom in the body, mind and heart.

Grounding Into Intuition

This slow flow hatha class begins with a breath technique intended to help us connect with our inner teacher, higher perspectives and intuition. Throughout the practice, you will be offered prompts and inquiry to continue to connect with your inner wisdom. An ideal practice for confusion, overwhelm or of feeling "stuck"

InspiringLisa Dumas
Grounding into the Qualities of the Heart

This slow flow hatha class begins with a breath technique to ignite the symbolic heart space. The physical practice is structured to "open" the front of the body and strengthen the back of the body and it closes with relaxation and meditation intended to help us stay connected to love, gratitude, compassion and the other expansive qualities of our hearts.

Balancing Body, Balancing Energy

Yoga views the human being as being multi-dimensional, and when we practice, we not only tend to the physical body, but our internal life force and or minds so we can reconnect with our true nature. This is a moderate class designed to strengthen the physical areas that will help to "balance" many bodies, along with a harmonizing practice for the pranic (energetic) body.