A mindfulness practice designed to help you hold all the parts of yourself in compassion and discern how you really feel and what you need to support yourself.
Inspired by the autumnal equinox and its equal balance of night and day, this practice explores the concept of balancing our inner sun and moon energy through hatha yoga (ha-sun, tha-moon). Expect postures that merge both sides of the body and engaging balancing poses.
A 20 minute meditation intended to be received from a supine (lying down) position. Get comfortable and enjoy this body scan and breath technique inviting you to connect with the support beneath you.
A quick and dynamic standing sequence featuring heel raises, squats, arm swings and shoulder rolls to wake up the body and mind.
Practice observing sensation related to emotions rather than getting swept away on the waves of our ever changing inner landscapes.
A restoring and inspiring exploration of a handful of meditation techniques including a gratitude meditation, meditation in motion, an embodied practice, a seated version and a supine body scan. See which one resonates with you today!
Our July workshop focuses on the ayurvedic concept of "pitta", a fiery part of our constitution that can become aggravated during summer (pitta season). This class explains signs of over-active pitta along with several skills to balance, like sensitizing ourselves to our body heat, an engaging warm up, moon salutations, yin postures and embodied mantra for focus. Enjoy!
Explore how gentle, rhythmic movement can assist in calming the nervous system, slowing the breath and relaxing the body, Practices like this one, over time, can help to heal an anxious mind and body.
I recommend this 20 minute joint rotation/movement practice as a way of helping you to cultivate calm, presence and a gentle energy as you wake up, or anytime you need a steadying, balancing experience.
An engaging, dynamic yet steadying sequence to focus the mind, flowing into quiet yin postures thought to be "cooling" and reflective in nature. An ideal full practice for warmer days.
A deluxe practice including a breath technique and movement meant to engage and soothe a busy and distracted mind.
A short practice intended to deepen the breath through appropriate movement, often allowing difficult emotions to move and change so we can more easily acknowledge them, and maybe even learn from them.
Deeply exploring the art of attention in the transitions between one pose and another. Wait until you experience the difference in your practice when your attention is this close to the movements between the movements and the spaces inside every breath!
Explore practices designed to assist with an anxious mind, repetitive worry or a low mood and how they can invite clarity, perspective and relaxation. Includes movement, visualization, journaling prompts and deep rest.
A yang/yin experience that explores the concept of "STOP"- Stop. Take a breath. Observe. Proceed.
Yoga offers a structure of relating to the many ways we are distracted and confused. This meditation leads us through the "kosha" model, inviting us to experience our physical bodies, our energy, minds and subconscious so we can more often connect with our true nature.
Renewing gentle movement begins and ends this body scan to promote presence and tranquility.
Productive rest: total relaxation for the body and mind to encourage healing and increased energy and vitality.
Release tension from shoulders and neck and focus on a breathe technique and visualization intended to uplift and renew.
For cool, damp days and the possible accompanying stagnation, this class intentionally creates heat through strong physical movement and through bringing our attention and energy back to us, away from thoughts, activities and distractions that drain us. Closing restorative postures balance this more challenging practice.