Posts in mind
A Study in Balance

Inspired by the autumnal equinox and its equal balance of night and day, this practice explores the concept of balancing our inner sun and moon energy through hatha yoga (ha-sun, tha-moon). Expect postures that merge both sides of the body and engaging balancing poses.

Cooling Body and Mind for Hot Days

Our July workshop focuses on the ayurvedic concept of "pitta", a fiery part of our constitution that can become aggravated during summer (pitta season). This class explains signs of over-active pitta along with several skills to balance, like sensitizing ourselves to our body heat, an engaging warm up, moon salutations, yin postures and embodied mantra for focus. Enjoy!

Warming Through Movement & Attention

For cool, damp days and the possible accompanying stagnation, this class intentionally creates heat through strong physical movement and through bringing our attention and energy back to us, away from thoughts, activities and distractions that drain us. Closing restorative postures balance this more challenging practice.