Gentle, rhythmic movements encourage the breath to deepen naturally, allowing the body and mind to calm and feel prepared for a "three part breath" technique for increased relaxation. Use frequently to settle the nervous system often.
This 75 minute full body practice begins with a mental alternate nostril breath technique for calm and focus and continues to invite alternate movements for alternate sides of the body with the intention of fully engaging the mind and drawing your attention to what is happening right here, right now.
A few invitations to challenge ourselves in a warming practice that includes therapeutic skills for moving through turbulence, emotional upheaval and burnout. Expect an invigorating experience to help you release what may feel heavy.
In our March workshop we explored an idea of "balance" that invites us to move, breathe and meditate with the intention to better hold and accept all aspects of who we are as we hold so many aspects of the human experience in the world now.
Explore approaching your practice by aligning body, breath and mind, choosing an attitude to bring to the movement and from there take inspired action!
This class invites you to release and renew through full body movement followed by 30 minutes of restorative shapes and relaxation. Perfect for a reset!
If you've been offering a lot of your energy out into the world and operating on empty for a while, this practice is intended to help you pour back in with the help of nourishing breath, expansive moderate movement and deep rest.
Every aspect of this practice is related to balancing your nervous system including alternate nostril breath, joint mobilization, strong muscle engagement for the purpose of eventual relaxation in restorative postures. Suggested prop: bolster or pillows, Spotify playlist: Mantra from the lisaddumas account.
Experience how moving in rocking, rhythmic ways along with your breath can be a calming experience for your body and mind and how present-centered awareness is a balm for states of anxiety or over-worry.
Mindful movement matched with a supine or seated body scan to melt tension of the body and mind. An ideal practice for anxious days.
Free the joints, warm the muscles and strengthen hips, core and upper back with a short standing sequence to invigorate, uplift and ready your body for the day to come.
Enjoy a supine meditation where you will be guided into deep relaxation for the body and mind and invited to explore imagery to help celebrate the return of the sun after the longest night of the year.
Explore rhythmic movement, a specific breath technique and a seated awareness practice all known to soothe and balance the nervous system creating a state of inner calm and an acknowledgment of the parts of you that are not afraid.
Utilize the yogic concept of the "koshas" (layers) to practice the art of mindfulness; the skill of witnessing the body, breath, mind and heart as a means of cultivating presence and ease within a full spectrum practice.
Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, views anxiety/ over-worry as an imbalance of a quality called "vata". Related to air and ether, imbalanced vata creates turbulence, distraction and a lack of ground, while balanced vata enhances vitality, personal power and presence. Enjoy this gentle movement and breath experience to feel peacefully alive.
A slow and rhythmic flow through repetitive movements and the breath known to create a grounded flow in the body and mind.
A 15 minute sequence to warm up, strengthen and stretch the hips from the ground. A stand alone experience for healthy hips or a wonderful way to prepare for more dynamic activity or to practice after movement like walking/biking or swimming if the hip area is aggravated.
Whether you desire a sense of "balance" due to extreme weather, workload, worry or fatigue, the elements of this 60 minute practice are intended to help you feel more centered, grounded and present. Expect a breath technique and rhythmic, mellow movement to help "balance" energy, mind and body.
Those of us with a more dominant fiery nature who have a hard time relaxing, or have a tendency not to stop until the point of exhaustion can become vulnerable to burnout as the weather heats up. Interestingly, many of us need stronger movement before we can truly relax. This is an example of a practice to help a busy mind and body finally take a break, cool down and replenish.
In the summer season, hot weather can aggravate our bodies and minds exposing us to challenges like burnout, irritation and rigidity. This moderate class invites you to move with fluidity, encouraging a mindful, moving meditation to cool and calm.