Productive rest: total relaxation for the body and mind to encourage healing and increased energy and vitality.
A short series of postures designed to balance the body after the repetitious movement of riding, running or walking.
A gentle, moving meditational experience that frees the neck and upper back and invites deep presence and calm.
A brief practice to shake out stress and regulate the breath to embrace a grounded, more vital state of body and mind
A 10 minute guided meditation to get you started on a mindful walking practice
A supine meditation that invites you to explore breath and visualization with the intention of balancing and deeply restoring. A perfect refreshing afternoon practice.
A 20 minute class focused on stronger movements to quickly release stagnation and a sense of being "stuck".
Release tension from shoulders and neck and focus on a breathe technique and visualization intended to uplift and renew.
A practice for those wanting the elements of a downward facing dog without bearing so much weight on wrists and shoulders. Enjoy a warm up for wrists, shoulders and hamstrings and then a standing version of plank and dog using a wall for support. Useful for tending to healing shoulders.
A 20 minute practice that includes some brief neck and spine movement before settling into a breath visualization and a mantra repetition.
A version of a lovingkindness meditation intended to help you foster friendliness and kindness toward self, overcoming the habitual inner critic.
A breath visualization to promote balanced digestive fire and an invitation to inwardly repeat a mantra to ignite our personal power, will and ability to process life experiences.
Alternate nostril breath can be an effective intervention for anxiousness. In this 15 minute meditation, we sample a manual and a mental version of this skill.
Evidence shows that rhythmic movements from right to left can help us foster confidence and courage. Enjoy this short practice the next time you want to feel authentically you!
Experience how moving in rocking, rhythmic ways along with your breath can be a calming experience for your body and mind and how present-centered awareness is a balm for states of anxiety or over-worry.
A meditation that invites your awareness and appreciation to various aspects of your entire body, intended to leave you feeling refreshed and connected to the heart.
A 15 minute practice that invites you to turn your gaze inward and hold space for "what is" in this moment. Check in with your mind, body, breath, emotional tone and energy to get information for what you need through the day.
Yoga and Ayurveda teach us that to break up a stagnant, lower winter mood, we can add a warming element to our movement and create greater circulation in the chest. Find out more in this practice that uses body weight to strengthen arms and the upper back for greater freedom across the chest (and heart).
In this strengthening sequence I lead you through one set of movements combining conservative squatting (chair pose/goddess) with arm weights. You are invited to continue with 2 to 3 more sets for a deluxe workout!
A sequence that gets your whole body moving, but not too far from the floor. For days when you want to practice, but you also kinda don't.