More dynamic movement prepares us for a few yin postures. Lots for the hips and hammies and a focus on the exhale assists in release there.
If you've been away from your practice for some time, this offering eases your mind into the present and your body into gentle mobility preparing for a full spectrum, perfectly moderate class.
75 minutes of mindful movement intended to clear a busy morning mind. In this engaging practice, we are continuously invited to explore body sensations in this full spectrum strengthening and lengthening class that offers plenty of time for wonderful restorative rest.
An emphasis on cooling breath, fluid, full body movement and deeper stretches on the ground for hips and hamstrings round out this summertime practice.
A complete practice that invites us to warm up slowly, perfectly preparing for a balancing sequence with additional attention paid to upper back and hips. Further focus for the mind through breath imagery. Ideal to encourage movement on lower energy days.
A few postures to relieve sore backs, hips and legs after a long session in the garden (or anytime you've been working around the house, and your body is feeling the effects).
An engaging, dynamic yet steadying sequence to focus the mind, flowing into quiet yin postures thought to be "cooling" and reflective in nature. An ideal full practice for warmer days.
A short floor practice to offer some relief for stiff hips and backs due to an extended period of sitting.
A floor sequence to create mobility, strength and ease for the hips and low back while engaging core and compassion for body.
A short series of postures designed to balance the body after the repetitious movement of riding, running or walking.
A 30 minute practice promoting the health of the hips and low back through mobilizing the hip joint, developing pelvic neutrality and strengthening the core!
A strengthening sequence for the glutes, core, shoulders and arms balanced by the softening quality of learning to kindly attend to ourselves by regularly checking in with the various aspects of who we are.
When we run, walk, or cycle, we are using repetitive motions than can tighten up the hip flexors and other muscles at the front of the body. Gift yourself with this brief series of strengtheners and stretches for balance and sustainability after your workout.
Free the joints, warm the muscles and strengthen hips, core and upper back with a short standing sequence to invigorate, uplift and ready your body for the day to come.
Explore your body's relationship with the ground in strengthening standing postures and yin poses to relax the nervous system and find ease in effort. Intended to help you practice feeling calm and connected to yourself and the present moment before moving into potential.
A 15 minute sequence to warm up, strengthen and stretch the hips from the ground. A stand alone experience for healthy hips or a wonderful way to prepare for more dynamic activity or to practice after movement like walking/biking or swimming if the hip area is aggravated.
In the summer season, hot weather can aggravate our bodies and minds exposing us to challenges like burnout, irritation and rigidity. This moderate class invites you to move with fluidity, encouraging a mindful, moving meditation to cool and calm.
A 15 minute set of therapeutics for tending to tight external hip rotators (piriformis, gluteals) which often occur and can cause pain around the sacrum or in the deep buttocks. Try this program to keep the area mobilized, strong and flexible!
While this 60 minute hatha class is conditioning for the whole body, there is enhanced focus placed on therapeutics for the feet and knees. To keep the feet and knees healthy and happy, we need to keep them mobile and free while strengthening and stretching the big muscle groups around them like the glutes, quads and hamstrings. Throughout the experience, there is also an invitation to offer focused appreciation for these hard working parts of our anatomy! Low body love!
Many come to yoga to create stronger bodies, which is one of the many benefits of the physical practice. However, we soon discover that we also strengthen our ability to question our habitual thoughts, hold broader perspectives and cultivate more compassion for ourselves and others. This 60 minute practice strengthens weak areas of the body where we often feel discomfort (neck, upper back, core, glutes) while offering a breath visualization and inspiration to strengthen our kinder inner voice.