Explore how gentle, rhythmic movement can assist in calming the nervous system, slowing the breath and relaxing the body, Practices like this one, over time, can help to heal an anxious mind and body.
A few postures to relieve sore backs, hips and legs after a long session in the garden (or anytime you've been working around the house, and your body is feeling the effects).
I recommend this 20 minute joint rotation/movement practice as a way of helping you to cultivate calm, presence and a gentle energy as you wake up, or anytime you need a steadying, balancing experience.
When you're feeling unwell, a lot of movement may not be appropriate, but something gentle may support your mind, body and spirit. In this twenty minute practice, we stay close to the ground while compassionately offering the body easeful mobility.
A 30 minute meditation featuring progressive relaxation, a focusing breath visualization and a body scan to increase present-centered awareness and calm.
Gentle, rhythmic movements encourage the breath to deepen naturally, allowing the body and mind to calm and feel prepared for a "three part breath" technique for increased relaxation. Use frequently to settle the nervous system often.
A 20 minute practice to charge lagging energy to use first thing in the morning or anytime you feel the need to shake off the cobwebs and be renewed.
Because movement is so helpful in helping us to clear the mind, this practice with weights in intended to help us process and move life's little annoyances.
A floor sequence to create mobility, strength and ease for the hips and low back while engaging core and compassion for body.
A supine meditation that invites you to explore breath and visualization with the intention of balancing and deeply restoring. A perfect refreshing afternoon practice.
A 20 minute class focused on stronger movements to quickly release stagnation and a sense of being "stuck".
Explore approaching your practice by aligning body, breath and mind, choosing an attitude to bring to the movement and from there take inspired action!
This 30 minute practice begins with an uplifting breath technique and focuses on movement designed to increase a sense of vitality in body and mind. Closes with an enlivening yet calming restorative shape.
30 minutes of rejuvenating breath and movement to start the day with renewed vitality!
A 30 minute practice promoting the health of the hips and low back through mobilizing the hip joint, developing pelvic neutrality and strengthening the core!
A 30 minute gentle rhythmic rejuvenation that invites you to use your practice with intention to process and metabolize your daily experiences and feel the way you want to feel more often.
Experience how moving in rocking, rhythmic ways along with your breath can be a calming experience for your body and mind and how present-centered awareness is a balm for states of anxiety or over-worry.
A meditation that invites your awareness and appreciation to various aspects of your entire body, intended to leave you feeling refreshed and connected to the heart.
Yoga and Ayurveda teach us that to break up a stagnant, lower winter mood, we can add a warming element to our movement and create greater circulation in the chest. Find out more in this practice that uses body weight to strengthen arms and the upper back for greater freedom across the chest (and heart).
Gentle neck stretches and calming tools lead you into a meditation that practices the skill of observing body, breath, mind and emotions to cultivate a gentle acceptance of "what is" rather than succumbing to habitual judgement, reactivity and over-identification with thoughts.